Why I love the salt room. An Essay by Stacy.
About six years ago, my friends found a new business, a salt cave, and wanted to visit. So, as a group, we descended upon this business one evening. Not sure how many of us there were, but probably close to 20. I go with the flow. Curious to try new things. I had no idea what a salt cave was but again, curious. There was pink Himalayan salt everywhere in the room. The owner told us the wonderful benefits of salt and how relaxing it would be. Me: Still the skeptic, but fun evening out with my friends. Get settled in a comfy chair with a cozy blanket. Relaxing music playing. I sit back and ahhh…. *cough, cough, cough*… sit back upright. As I started breathing in the salt that was mixed in the air, my sinuses started to drain, my lungs were clearing, my breathing was freer. I had no idea my respiratory system was so strained. Wow. This room of salt was doing something. I wasn’t just sitting quietly relaxing for 45 minutes like my friends, I was having an experience of my own. Fast forward 45 minutes… the music ended and my friends all slowly start stretching and moving like they are awakening from a long hibernation. I walked out of there like I had a nebulizer treatment. No one else had coughing and throat clearing. They were totally relaxed and had that sleepy-head look. I was breathing freely and deeply. It was WONDERFUL. I have seasonal allergies, plus dust, mold, this, that, and the other. I have post-nasal drip most days. When it’s my allergy seasons, mainly spring and fall, I have a risk of bronchitis and sinus infections. My chest can feel heavy from coughing. My sinuses can feel stuffy or runny or both. TMI I know, but I’m painting a picture. The salt room helps keep all of this at bay. Seriously. We tell clients and customers all the time – we don’t have anything at CW that we haven’t tried ourselves and have a testimonial. We added a salt room to CW services because it worked for me. It is relaxing, has anti-inflammatory benefits, supports immune function, improves mood and sleep. It’s a wonderful thing. But most importantly for me, I truly get relief and I can breathe. The End. Is your allergy season coming up? Are you stressed? Your immune system strained? Have a chronic issue? Experience the salt room and write your own testimonial. Stacy Ford, ATC, LMT is Co-Founder of Complete Wellness. An athletic trainer and a licensed massage therapist. Her passion is to help people feel and function better. She is available by appointment only Monday-Friday at Complete Wellness, Quakertown. To schedule with Stacy or any other CW Practitioner Text/Call 267-509-7717
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